Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Blessed Are They That Mourn"

For us who lost our beloved
Luis D. Quetulio
(1952 - 2010)

There is a day of sunny rest
For every dark and troubled nights;
And grief may abide, an evening quest,
But joy shall come with early light.

And thou, who, o’er thy friend’s low bier
Sheddest the bitter drops like rain,
Hope that a brighter, happier sphere,
Will give him to thy arms again.

Nor let the good man’s trust depart,
Though life it’s common gifts deny,
Though with a pierce and broken heart,
And spurned of men, he goes to die.

For God has marked each sorrowing day
And numbered every secret tear.
And heaven’s long age of bliss shall pay
For all his children suffer here.

- William Cullen Bryant

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Dearest Jesus,

As we celebrate your birthday, we take this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness for our failings, mistakes, weaknesses and sins we have committed during the year so that we may welcome the New Year fresh with your grace.

We thank you, Lord, for the gift of yourself to redeem us that we may share in the Father’s gift of eternal life. Truly, all the glory, praise and adoration are yours forever.

As we stand by this crèche to admire the depiction of your incarnation, let us not be lost in the splendor of the images represented to us rather to contemplate, with profoundness, the great mystery of our salvation that unfolds continually in our daily lives. We may not fully understand during this lifetime your mystery however let us share in the spirit to which the reason you were born unto us.

May we be inspired by the beauty of your humility as you came to us in poverty to enrich us. Despite our own insufficiency and unworthiness, with the help of your grace may we give you glory in return.

Nourish us, Lord, from your manger and keep us in your secured stable. Be our shepherd and guide us through the pastures of life. Share with us the warm comfort of your swaddling clothes and let us be soothed by the tender humming of the virgin Mary, your mother. Upon the watchful gaze of blessed Joseph, your guardian, may we be protected from all evil harm.

Teach us to adore and worship you in the spirit and in truth as the shepherds who beheld with their own eyes the salvation of all men. Let us see your glory in the midst of the darkness of this world as angels appeared on that dark night and proclaimed your birth.

Just as the wise men were guided by a bright and shining star, you be our light to guide our ways, upheld us in the truth and give meaning to our confused existence.

Give each of us a sense of responsibility to love and care for one another especially to those who are most need of them. Give us the courage to bring your Good News not only in words but most of all in deed and example.

We pray for faith, hope and love to reign in our hearts not only this season but throughout the year. May we be worthy bearers of your justice and mercy so that mutual respect and unity be formed in our society.

Let the message of the holy hosts of angels, on that first Christmas, resound to us today, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, goodwill among men!” (Luke 1:14) And may all come to pass as you will and say.
